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Posted by Bob Werb () at 14:57 GMT on 13 Mar 2001

The central purpose of the ISS Congress is to encourage discussion about the question of how best to use and operate the International Space Station.

We hope that this bbs will help promote that discussion.

This board is public and anyone is welcome to post here. We ask that everyone who uses this board refrain from personal attacks and flaming. Discourtesy does not advance any debate.

We realize that many people interested in this subject are not native English speakers. Posts in any language that the software supports are welcome. If there are enough people posting in any language, and if those people want a board devoted to that language, we’d be happy to host it. (Moi, je peux lire Anglais et Français seulement.)

I will be posting using my real name but I realize that some people will choose to use pseudonyms. I see no objection to that but would ask that people whom, for whatever reason, choose to use a pseudonym use the same one for all postings.

Thank You

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Re: Welcome Nixonspace (13 Mar 2001 22:29 GMT)

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