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Tito as an Illustration
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Posted by Dennis Wingo () at 04:53 GMT on 20 Mar 2001
Bob, et al
The problem that Dennis Tito is having strikes at the heart of the ISSA issue.
How are tourists ever going to be able to go to ISS with the type of onerous requirements that they are proposing.
Notice from the article at
According to NASA sources, NASA has three main issues with Mr. Tito's participation on the 30 April Soyuz taxi flight to the ISS.
1. Mr. Tito does not meet the training proficiency requirements that have been levied upon all visitors to the ISS. These requirements are embodied in the various agreements whereby the ISS partner countries and agencies have agreed to operate the ISS. NASA feels that much more training of Mr. Tito on U.S. Segment systems would be required, preferably with the actual crew he would be visiting, before Mr. Tito would be deemed proficient.
2. While there is a legal framework in place regarding issues of liability between the U.S. and all of the ISS partners (i.e. the Russian Space Agency - RSA) , there is no such agreement in place between the U.S. and the RSC Energia corporation (the Soyuz manufacturer and operator) with whom Mr. Tito has made his travel arrangements. Without having such issues resolved, liability issues remain unclear.
3. The Soyuz flight Mr. Tito wishes to ride on would arrive at the ISS during a time when assembly operations were either underway or about to commence. NASA feels that there is a crew safety concern involved and that only individuals with the full suite of operations and contingency skills with all ISS, Shuttle, and Soyuz systems should be on orbit at that time.
What excuses are they going to come up with next time? I know for a fact that number 2. is wrong. Dennis Tito's contract is with RSA, Energia, as well as Star City.
ISSA, unless it is given a very broad charter and is not populated with NASA beaurocrats will not be a vehicle for opening the space frontier for all Americans.
addendum Dennis Wingo (20 Mar 2001 04:55 GMT)
Re: addendum Edward Wright (21 Mar 2001 00:09 GMT)
Re: Tito as an Illustration Michelle O'Barto (21 Mar 2001 21:38 GMT)
Re: Tito as an Illustration pat bahn (24 Mar 2001 20:25 GMT)
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