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ISS Astronauts To Testify Before Congress From Orbit
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Posted by Mark Reiff () at 03:45 GMT on 24 Jul 2001


"Astronauts to Testify from Space to U.S.
NASA Press Release via SpaceRef.com

: Astronauts living and working aboard the
: International Space Station, while orbiting more
: than 200 miles above Earth, will become the
: first-ever witnesses to present live testimony
: before Congress during an unprecedented House
: Science Committee Hearing.

: The space testimonial is scheduled for
: Wednesday, July 25, at noon.

: Note on NASA Watch says that this hearing will
: be postponed to a later unspecified date.

: Flight Engineers James Voss and Susan Helms,
: part of the second crew to live on the station,
: will provide a brief tour of the facilities,
: explain construction activities and discuss
: research capabilities aboard the operational
: outpost.

: Astronaut Mary Ellen Weber, a crewmember on the
: May 2000 space shuttle flight -- the third
: mission to install components and transfer
: supplies to the station -- and astronaut Bill
: Shepherd (Captain, USN), the first American
: resident and commander on the station, will also
: testify at the hearing.

: Weber, who holds a doctorate in physical
: chemistry, will explain the relevance of space-
: based experiments and provide personal
: reflections on research and scientific
: investigations in space.

: Shepherd will discuss a typical day in the life
: of a crewmember on the International Space
: Station, as well as the challenges involved in
: constructing, living and working in a
: permanently inhabited space-based facility.

: The hearing will be held in Room 2318 of the
: Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill
: and is open to the public on a first-come,
: first-served basis.

: Testimony from the Expedition Two Crew will be
: carried live on NASA Television and webcast on
: NASA's Internet homepage. The hearing will also
: be taped and replayed on NASA TV.

: NASA TV is transmitted on the World Wide Web at:

: http://www.nasa.gov/ntv/ntvweb.html

Can you say PR stunt to gain funding support?

Mark Reiff

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