What we Propose
The ISS is a Building in Space

What others think about an International Space Station Authority
Bulletin Board

Links to our Supporting Organizations
Space Frontier Foundation
Space Studies Institute

The International Space Station Congress has been set up to encourage and facilitate discussion about how the International Space Station (ISS) is to be managed after its construction is complete.

We believe that this challenge requires creating an international, quasi-governmental "authority." This new organization would manage the operations of the ISS on behalf of all the governments that have contributed to its development.

The proposal to establish such an organization raises numerous questions about which reasonable people can disagree. In our effort to encourage debate, we have written a "straw man" description of the proposed organization that includes our views on many of these issues. Please read what we've written and feel free to post any comments you want.

To further promote discussion we are willing to provide speakers to conferences and other events anywhere on the planet. If you want such a speaker please contact us.

Finally, we would like to translate these materials into the languages of all the ISS partners.

The Space Frontier Foundation joins with the International Space Station Congress in stimulating global discussions about how to best manage the International Space Station.

Click here for the full story

A Project of the Space Frontier Foundation

Contents copyright © 2001 James Muncy, Rick Tumlinson, Bob Werb

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Useful Info
The International Partners
Code of Conduct for ISS Crew
NASA / CSA agreement
NASA / ESA agreement
NASA / RSA agreement
NASA / Japan Agreement
NASA's ISS page
ESA's ISS Page
NASDA's ISS page
NASA's ISS Commercial Page